OH right the reason for the current Hugh obsession is based on a billboard I saw on my drive to an interview in the Bev Hills, of Wolverine in X3. which then led to the Fimtracker stalking of all his buisness partners/manger, etc out of curiosity (he lives in melbourne by the way but Seed Prds is a first look Disney company- i think), which led to my life wanting to resemble that of Production partner John Palermo. I'll see if I can find a way to meet him, john that is. Now what is the best about these pictures is that he looks good with decently long Hair, and the funniest part is see that coat he's wearing, um jay has one just like it. I don't know if Jay looks like Hugh Jackman--minus the accent (damn), or is hugh happens to resemble Combs, but either way, I WIN. You can't tell me they don't remind you of each other. Sweet I am dating Hugh Jackman, sry combs ;) |