The Adventures of ObiLan
This is where I reveal to the World my inner desire to rule it all
Thursday, July 13, 2006
San Diego is german for Whale Zizi.

So I went with ellen down to San Diego to see Sir Peter Arlein, and he took us surfing on a NUDE beach. It was pretty awesome. What was not awesome was walking up 300 vertical feet carrying a goddamned surfboard. I have sexy buff legs now. We also went to the Zoo, and this little guy was really the only picture that came out well, but he is cute, and makes me want to goto Australia, also because the guys have hot accents, and we know how I can't control myself in those situations.

Also when we were at Peter's place in La Jolla, Elles and I went shopping WOO, and I got the most sick/drunk I have ever been. Unlike samantha, I tend not to be 'ill' the next day, just hunover, but OH NO. After some drinking games with Peter's friend 'Fiesty' I then was tricked into believing that the World Cup had indeed been won by France and that the guy across the table from me was the nephew of the italian player who got headed butted because he told Zidane that his mother was a Morroccan whore. Hey sounded plausable at the time.

I then decided it was a great idea to sleep in my car, which i did until, the alcohol no longer wanted anything to do with body at about 6 am, when i came is side and proceeded to be dead to the world for the next 1/2 day or so. Glorious times.

I had to roll back to LA for an interview which went really well I think, but we missed the Full Moon party down on the nudie beach we were at with a bunch of hippies and moonlight surfing. I'll have to ask them how that ended up.
posted by Alana @ 7:25 PM   1 comments
Drinking with Shoes, and being beautiful in general

On every visit to Edmonds one cannot forget to stop by Mu Shoe, and Since we know the Big Suz (Sam's mom) we got to stay late and play, and boy, shoes and wine equal a good time. I bought bought 4 pairs. niiiice. As you can See that is Sam and I in the back with the aquaitalias, oh ho ho... and we don't know who made this drawing but it is oddly appropriate.

Right then this is Emily Sam and Getting beautiful with our mud masks, GOD we are SEXY
posted by Alana @ 7:18 PM   0 comments
Emily's Vanity Shots: The Parisian strikes again

Oh the french... Here is aemelie in her debut:
posted by Alana @ 6:58 PM   0 comments
The 4th!!!

So I brought some of the E town and Seattle crew upto the beautiful San Juans for the 4th of July, and it was good times had by all, boating, napping, lots of world cup and Zidane drooling over, and sketchy encounters at the Roche Harbor Bar where Emily had a convo that went something like this:

-sketchy guy walking behind us following us-- emily turns around
"Excuse me do you have a boat down this way?"
"Well You're not getting on ours, so BUBYE"

It was hilarious.
Roche is hilarious on the 4th because everyone is drunk yachters. A bit quieter this year because it fell on a tuesday, but still some classy moments.

this is a shot of the E Town girls on the barge with Pearl Island in the back, and that other one is Jenn, Maggs, Joanna, Em and I in the Roche gardens before sam got there. She flew up on a plane and we picked her up in the boat with Booze in hand, were offered some wine by some guys we drove by, and then proceeded to chase the hot guys who honked at us but we couldn't find them again. That was a bummer!
posted by Alana @ 6:46 PM   0 comments
the SB

Santa Barbara is gorgeous. On my way up to Seattle for the Fourth I stopped by Ellen's place in the SB. Yardi is from SB and so we met up with him one night and his friend Julian. One of the most rediculous nights of my life thus far. They were cooking these beautiful steaks and made them into the best Tacos I have ever Had in my entire Life. Serious Pieces of Meat. Yardi's Friend was really cool, and his dad, who was the director of the fugative had a beautiful house, with an infinity pool and a great view over Santa Barbara.

That Picture of Yardi is the best sketchy picture of anyone ever. Love ya Yards...

We went out to Downtown SB had some drinks, we all got loaded at a place called Joe's which is known for their stiff cocktails. Ran into a couple of other Colby kids there. Then we went down the street to a place I am told was called Mel's. Julian bought us drinks while he chated with the bartenders and we, well i don't recall. Then somehow we got oursleves to Yardi's other friend's house, Derrick, and they had this awesome courtyard with chez lounges outside, one of which ellen passedout in, and a koi pond that was surrounded by these retractable velvet curtains, very queer eye for the straight guy, yet very very elegant and well posh. I loved it!!

Elles and I went kayaking the next day and just took it easy. The day after that Yardi had brought up Bogden and Downing, so we hungout with them at the beach before I had to go get my plane up to Seattle from the ity bity SB airport. A GOOD TIME....
posted by Alana @ 6:24 PM   0 comments
I Love San Fran

So Evan and I were headed to a wedding of our childhood friend up outside of oakland, and while my brother was nursing his hideous hangover from the wedding night, I walked around own with good old Nathan!! On the way into town, drove right into the Gay Pride Parade, in our PT Cruiser Convertable (probably the gayest car around) listening to my new favorite radio station (NO JOKE) KGAY. They play awesome music, it which was pretty Hilarious, I love it how anything goes... Yes that is a picture of a naked man taking a picture of another naked man.

I love San Fransisco. It is such a pretty city, beautiful, I kinda like the fog, and it is warm but way more temperate than here in LA where it is hot beyond belief.

The only bad thing about San Fran is that if there is an earthquake, everyone with die. They are all tol to turn off their gas in an earthquake so they don't blow up their block. Ohwell, nice while it lasts.
This is a Pic of Nate and I, oh yeah and that's the ROCK in the background.
posted by Alana @ 6:13 PM   0 comments
Fun and Cooking with Jake Wilson

So Jake is a chef at the Courdon Bleu here in Pasedena, and I exploit him heavily for his culinary expertise. Here are the fruits of this one night. It's a happy Face of steaks!!!!

Notice the sticker still on the pepper. We are the epitome of class.
posted by Alana @ 6:09 PM   0 comments
The dwarves

So this is the Team Disney Building, where some of the magic happens at least. Unfortunately I didn't get any shots of our new offices which were in the old eisner wing. This dwarves hold up the roof.. woot woot.

On a side note I think the builing smells faintly of whiskey... just fyi.
posted by Alana @ 6:06 PM   0 comments
The Premier of CARS

While I no Longer work at Disney, for the opening of Cars-- right outside of my office, they had a little fair, complete with cars that belonged to various members of Disney Elite. Here is Walt's Limo... and Herby!!!
posted by Alana @ 6:01 PM   0 comments
It has been a while
Get ready for a marathon of posts as I update you about my life in LA..... Get pumped...
posted by Alana @ 5:52 PM   0 comments
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