The Adventures of ObiLan
This is where I reveal to the World my inner desire to rule it all
Friday, April 28, 2006
Karaoke with the STARS
Lemon drop cocktail

SO. This week I went with a friend to meet some production types who just finished producing a pilot, and this was their after party at a well known Karaoke bar right across the street from the NBC studios, Dimples. Started out tame, and then I drank some more, which obviously made me more friendly, which was needed, because I knew none of these people. In walks former president of NBC, Warren Littlefield, who was responsible for Friends and Seinfeld, actually one of the characters I was informed in an episode is based on Warren. Very friendly guy. We start talking about his quest around the country to find the perfect Lemondrop, the drink. Here is a middleaged man drinking lemon drops, I love it!! Nathan-- you KNOW how I LOOOVE Lemon drops!!! Like that Time in Vancouver when when we kept sticking our Id's into the ATM machine, "why won't it give us money for more Lemondrops!"

--- The best place by the way is a town on the cape that ends in port, can't remember- He said they are HUGE--

I talk to some other people, and then I meet this guy who has been doing Karaoke all night long, he is really funny, and probably very drunk. But get this, His name is Tom Riddle, like in Harry Potter, no joke, he showed me his CBS ID. So I have him some crap about he is the Dark lord, etc etc and, I think this is hysterical, he showed me some pictures of him working on sets. One he has of him hugging Betty White "It's his favorite" she looks very bewildered. My favorite, He worked on the Price is Right show and he has this awesome picture of himself pulling the wheel, it's on my phone, and as soon as I can get it off and on here I will.

So Tom is hysterical, just a friendly guy, and in walks Bon Jovi. You heard me. gets up on stage and sings one of his own songs. Who does that. It's awesome. Supposedly this place is packed on weekends, but it is a Wed, so it's not too bad. Also the guy who plays Mr. Belding (YEAH) from Saved By the Bell comes in all the time, and I guess britney comes in too sometimes. So I'll have to keep a look out for Mr. Belding. I was also invited (if it actually happens) to a poker tourney at the Morongo Casino sat where I will lose money. Awesome!

more later!!
posted by Alana @ 1:02 PM  
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