The Adventures of ObiLan
This is where I reveal to the World my inner desire to rule it all
Friday, February 10, 2006
Hawaiian Wonder Foods
The Hawaiian Nutella:

Aside from Pua'a (pig roasted in a pit), the coconut and pineapple, Taro is a symbol of Hawaiian culture. It also happens to be one of my favorite foods. (Tim likes it too). Most people never develop a taste for this sour/sweet purple-ish root. The Hawaiians and I, on the other hand, have a fascination with it.

The Taro, with its hairy fibrous coating on its root, is poisonous raw, so don't just go gnawing into it. I just read somewhere that when peeling sometimes the juices irritate the skin.

The main derivative of Taro is Poi, a purple paste, that was and is an essential dietary need for many Polynesians in a land devoid of potatoes and grains. This tuber is also a staple of diets in the Caribbean and Africa.

"Poi is made from cooked taro root that is pounded to a smooth paste, then mixed with water, the amount depending on how the poi is to be served. Since poi is eaten with the fingers, its consistency is measured accordingly and ranges from "one-finger" (the thickest) to "three-finger" (the thinnest). It is generally fermented for several days, which gives it a sour, acidic taste. "- cook's encyclopedia

supposedly I can purchase it at Asian or Latin grocery stores, but I have yet to find it. Delicious, on everything. The Hawaiian Nutella.
posted by Alana @ 2:52 AM  
  • At 2:46 PM, Blogger Tim McGee said…

    Poi- delicious. There is something about purple food. Also, it is important to note, that taro along with the bananna and the yam are one of the few tropical foodstuffs that people can use as a staple. Poi-It's good with bread, fruit, fish, or all by itself!

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